Saturday, March 03, 2007


Well, a long time absence. N now incredibly vetti – so am back to what I used to do all the time in my third year.

SANGAMAM ’07 has come n gone now – but it defnly has been the most happening sangamam of all ages. Well to top the list – we had the change in prof incharge like 4 days before sangamam. Following that was a loan procedure that had the org comm waiting endlessly in front of prof cubes and getting blasted by all.

But in anycase, things were largely smooth. Sangamam inaug was the most perfect presentation in all that I ve seen thus far. Pracs sessions were terribly smooth. Tickets and t shirts sales rocked like last yeara and semester respectively.

N all the three concerts were super awesome!

TVS, Despite all the money issues with him – the concert was awesome.

Ravi Kiran n Pravin Godkhindi – were brilliant. It was the first time that we had seen such an interactive n appreciative audience staying till the end of the concert n thoroughly enjoying it. This was the biggest hit of the 3 concerts.

The ballet – had mixed reviews from the audience side – cos it was not a very conventional bharathanatyam ballet. This was typical of the anita ratnam types – with more of style n modern thought. But was brilliant – and 5 dancers on stage looked bful. N more than anything – this LARGE gumball – were the easiest to tackle. They were all real sweet – n had actually gotten RAAG sweets from Hyderabad!

Well, most imp mention – to manojh. Such a sey surprise it was. Friday moning – n some of us were jus recollecting happy images from a previous sangamam about surprise visits and entering audi – n we found manojh. Sexy surprise it was – and absolutely completed the festive feeling! A million thanks da!

Aprom enna, after sangamam got done with – we had one more day together. From morning till night. There was cleaning session, dhaba, proj presentations, mela and cnot and surprise at SAC and a bye bye.

It was Brilliant.


Manojh said...

that was incredible fun..thanks to all you wonderful guys :)
had a greaaaat time

Nandhitha said...

Machi..Same here da..we had super fun with u around. Thanks a ton :)

Manojh said...

seekiram meet panren onga ellarayum